Podocarpus National Park: Cajanuma
Friday, July 25, 2008: Today is the last full day of birding. We headed for the Cajanuma entrance to Podocarpus National Park. The road winds up the mountain for about 5 miles from the entrance station to the parking lot at about 9000 feet elevation. There we found an interpretative center, trailheads, bathrooms, and cabins. We spent the day birding the road and the trails, with a picnic lunch at the parking lot. It was a day of on and off rain, which put a crimp in our birding. Nonetheless, we were able to find some birds and had repeated encounters with many.
Lifers on the way up and in our first walk on the trails included Red-hooded Tanager, White-throated Quail-Dove, Crimson-mantled Woodpecker, and Sierran Elaenia. We found a Bearded Guan after returning to the parking lot. Rufous Antpittas were eventually spotted working the trails, and a walk a bit farther up brought glimpses of Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager.
Searching the road on the way down added Citrine Warbler together with mixed-flock practice. The stars on the road were the two Gray-breasted Mountain-Toucans. Other lifers today included Rufous Wren, Gray-hooded Bush-Tanager, and Black-capped Tyrannulet. In the end, conditions held our species total down, but with a dozen lifers, I can't really complain.
Cajanuma View | Bromeliad | Interpretative Center |
Cactus | Lichen? | Cajanuma View |
Today's totals were 27 species including 12 lifers, making a grand total of 389 bird species with 277 lifers.
Hotel Libertador, Loja