Napo Wildlife Center

Forest Trails

Sunday, July 13, 2008: Today we headed up a small side creek to the Tiputini trailhead. It is often not possible to paddle all of the way to trailhead, but with the current high water, it was not a problem. There's a trail along the creekside (partially inundated) that is used when the water is lower.

Lifers along the trail incuded Golden-collared Toucanet, Plumbeous Pigeon, Plain-brown Woodcreeper, and Lunulated Antbird. The antbird was the only species that I saw well enough to count, but several others were in the area. Needless to say, there were army ants there too! We also encountered leafcutters along the trail. Sometime today we saw an Amazon Dwarf Squirrel (Microsciurus flaviventer), which may have been in this area. Due to the low light conditions I didn't attempt to take any photos here. Between low light and foggy glasses, I was having enough trouble just seeing the birds.

Lodge Birding

In the afternoon, we lazed about the lodge. New birds there included Black Caracara, and Short-tailed Swift. Although not a lifer, a Bat Falcon was often seen on a nearby snag (we would see it there repeatedly during our stay).

Smooth-billed Anis White-winged Swallow
Smooth-billed Anis White-winged Swallow

Looking for Zigzag

Later in the day we went out along the Cariañangu and Añanguyacu creeks, planning to hunt for the Zigzag Heron when dusk approached. I got another lifer, White-vented Euphonia, and took some photos. We heard but did not see the Zigzag. Fortunately, we have more days here. We did see (and smell!) quite a few Bulldog or Fishing Bats (Noctilio sp.).

Bromeliad Black-headed Parrot Red Howler Monkey
Bromeliad Black-headed Parrot Red Howler Monkey
Creek View Flowering Tree White-chinned Jacamar
Creek View Flowering Tree White-chinned Jacamar

Today's totals were 42 species with 7 lifers, making a grand total of 138 bird species including 81 lifers.

Napo Wildlife Center