Napo Wildlife Center

The Saladeros Again

Tuesday, July 15, 2008: Since we struck out at the saladeros the other day, we tried again today. As usual, we were up at 5:30, and headed out across the lake around 6. My first new bird on the Añanguyacu was a Sungrebe. Somewhat further down we spotted a perched hawk, a Gray-bellied Hawk. This bird isn't on the NWC list, but Paul thinks that is a mistake. In any event, it is the second bird of the trip that wasn't on the list.

After some patient waiting, the first saladero did much better for us this time, delivering most of the expected parrots: Yellow-crowned and Mealy Amazons, Dusky-winged Parakeets, and Blue-headed Parrots. A Maroon-tailed Parakeet also made a brief appearance in the area.

Saladero #1
Yellow-crowned Amazons Saladero Parrots at Saladero
Parrots at Saladero Parrots at Saladero

We got a big surprise when we arrived at the second saladero. A Brazilian Tapir! It quickly left, but twice returned while we waiting for the parrots. Eventually, some Cobalt-winged Parakeets showed up too. We also found White-plumed Antbird, Spot-backed Antbird, and Green Manakin.

Saladero #2
Brazilian Tapir Brazilian Tapir Lineated Woodpecker
Brazilian Tapir Lineated Woodpecker
Cobalt-winged Parakeets Cobalt-winged Parakeets Cobalt-winged Parakeets
Cobalt-winged Parakeets

After visiting the saladeros, we once again had lunch at warehouse area. Then we paddled up the Añanguyacu to the lodge. On the way, I added White-shouldered Antbird and Plumbeous Antbird to my life list.

Zigzag Heron

Zigzag Heron
Zigzag Heron on Nest

Laurel had returned earlier, and the boatman had found her a nesting Zigzag Heron, as well as some other nice birds. The rest of us were soon back in the canoe to look for the heron. It took a bit of searching, but we found it! A nice way to cap the day. In fact, it turned out to be my last lifer at the NWC. Tomorrow we leave early to return to Quito.

Today's totals were 61 species including 9 lifers, making a grand total of 180 bird species including 109 lifers.

Napo Wildlife Center